Norm Nichols - My scrap pile overflowth! To eliminate some I
decided to do a bandsaw box. Pieces of like thickness were
laminated together, sanded flat, stacked, and glued in layers. Two coats
lacquer topped with two coats hard wax. Drawers lined with Flockit.
Janowitz - Platter, wands, bottlestoppers, and ice cream scoops.
Projects made of Osage orange, pomegranate, mesquite, pear, blackwood,
and mahogany. |
Bolinger - Scratch awl of sycamore. |
Graves - Scroll saw trivet of mahogany and gentleman's chest of oak. |
Hugh Parker - Boxes of Mesquite |

Mike Hardy - Walnut and olivewood wall cabinet, based loosely on a
design by Mike Pekovich. The dovetail and through tenon joinery are hand
cut (mostly). The back is shiplapped walnut slats, and has a French
cleat for hanging. The door closes with a ball catch. The interior is
finished with shellac, and the exterior with Osmo Polyx-oil.
Schmoker - Four bowls, one of maple and three of walnut. |
Dave VanDewerker - I made a few heart shaped
boxes from a Steve Goode pattern. The bodies are about 1-1/2” maple and
the top and bottom are 1/4” white oak. The white oak are from a winery,
we think they were used in a wine press.
I made a few mirrors
using a beveled edge ~4-3/4” diameter mirror, they are ~11” + long. I
used maple, walnut and some kind of African reddish wood.
Mesquite bowls, the large bowl is ~8” the smaller bowls are ~3-1/2”, all
are ~2” deep. The two lighter bowls are finished with a semi-gloss
lacquer and the darker one gloss lacquer.

Denis Muras - Wooden animals of plywood. |