Jack Bailie - Craftsman style bed side table.
Quarter sawn red oak, pinned through tenon legs. Finished with General
Finishes stain and Arm-R-Seal. |
Loren Gideon - A
teaspoon and spatula, I think they are cherry. Finished with some flax
Hugh Parker - I finished
this box just before the big freeze.
I made it for myself.
It is made from an
unknown (to me) wood, that my dad used to make a friend’s kitchen
cabinets in 1954. All we knew at the time was that it was a hard wood
from the Philippines.
It is a very hard wood.
Steve Wavro - Here is an
Intarsia Fall Welcome sign I finished last week. It is comprised of 52
individual pieces of Aromatic Cedar, Butternut, Mahogany, Oak, Poplar,
Red Cedar, Spalted Maple, and Walnut. Finished with 2 coats of amber

Pamela Gideon - My
husband and I made in the last months a spring pole lathe. A forever
dream of mine has been to make my own bowls, spindles, and candlesticks,
etc. In between after Christmas and even during the deep freeze was a
creative process of making the spring pole lathe, and finishing it!
My husband was so kind to be able to help bring this dream to life, and
we worked tirelessly to complete it. Maybe in the next article I can
show one of the finished bowls.
spring Pole lathe is a Roy Underhill design. Always making sure the
designs stand the test of time, the construction is made of yellow pine,
with the springs are made of hickory. The dead centers are made of O1
drill rod steel. |

Mike Hardy - "Woven"
serving board. 16"x13"x7/8", walnut, cherry, makore, and maple. Finished
with a couple of coats of Osmo Top Oil (Osmo's food safe product). First
'fancy' board I have made, and it was fun!
 Lon Kelley - These bowls are made from Douglas
Fir and poplar. The fir is from the wood that David, Mike and I
recovered from a local church rebuilding project. The poplar came from
Andy. The fir was cut on a 45 angle to make the grain appear as a leaf.
Finished in poly and wax.

Dan Schmoker - Toys for
Xmas. 200 tops, 9 Wheely bugs, 9 Stacker toys, paint topped with
the book Turning Toys, Richard Raffen. |
David Janowitz - Thanks
to Bill Teague for saving this piece of firewood and giving it to me!
We did not know what it was, but it turned out to be a Mesquite burl
with amazing grain. 9 1/2" across, 5 1/2" tall
Next, another FOF wood
(found on floor, of a retired woodworker,) I believe this is a maple
burl, with swirling grain, some birds eye effect, and great iridescence.
12 1/2" x 3" Both finished with Tung oil. Finally, another FOF wood
project, but this one was labelled as Marble Wood, also known as
Brazilian Teak. With rotating Osage Orange handles, and finished
with Tung oil. (Yes, that is food safe; In fact, Tung oil is
sometimes used as a food additive.) 2 1/2" x 19".
Next is a
fixed handle American style rolling pin made from Curly Maple. 1
7/8" diameter by 20" long. Finished with a couple of coats of
tongue oil.
Next are 4 wine bottle
stoppers. Hardware, (good quality, and some of the cheapest I have
found,) is from Woodchuxwoodturning.com. He also has the best
prices on CA glue, though you do pay postage, so it is only cheaper if
you buy a few things. Anyway, from the left, Osage Orange,
Mesquite burl, Walnut, and Curly Maple. I tried a new finish, (for
me,) Hut PPP or perfect pen polish. Extremely fast, easy, and
cheap, but really just a hard wax, so not durable, but it gives an
instant high gloss polish. You just apply a tiny bit from a stick
of material to the spinning item, then polish it with a bit of paper
towel. Cloth is to be avoided, as it can grab, tangle, and wrap
around the item in an instant, with possible finger injury. Paper
towel would just tear off.
is a birthday present for my wife: a dictionary stand on wheels.
Sycamore, with one coat of tung oil to show the grain more, dried for 3
days, then finished with water based urethane. I just didn't like the
effect I got with an assortment of stains I tried. Any suggestions?
Mortise and tenon joints to attach the post. |