Steve Wavro - Intarsia Holy Family of aspen, ebony,
blue spruce, yellow heart, bloodwood, and others.

Charles Volek - Intarsia owl of American and Peruvian walnut, blue
pine, ebony, and satin wood.

David Janowitz - Bowls, boxes,turned boxes, and
cribbage board, made of osage orange,cedar elm, walnut and pear.

Lon Kelley (left) - Table/bench of mesquite.

Gary Rowen - Convertible chair/step stool of red oak,
sedona red and red mahogany stains, then finished in polyurethane.

Wink - Folk art swordfish, bike rider, and ram.

Ron Matherly - Hat rack and box of oak and padauk.

George Graves - Turnings of various woods.

Tom Paulley - Cheese boards of cherry, maple, and finished with mineral oil. |

Dan Schmoker - Bowl of honey locust finished with four coats Waterlox. |

John Lastrapes - Passive speakers from Wink wood1 2x4s. |