Dwavid Janowitz
- Dibbers of Osage orange |
Hugh parker -
Box |
Fred Sandoval -
Queen Anne handkerchief table |
Norm Nichols -
Boxes and swinging Grandpa |
Andy Tofuri -
Step stool of scrap poplar |
George Graves -
Scroll sawed butterfly |
Denis Muras -
Toy airplanes of pine |
Rick Spacek -
Flowers/humming birds and brown bear of American elm |
2 X 4 Challenge |
Chris Farquhar - Child-size coat rack |
George Graves - Scroll saw plaque and stand |
Bill Dotschkal - Modifed Krenov sawhorse |
Rodney Griffith - Mobile tool holder |
Andy Tofuri - Car carrier |
Jack Ballie - Stool |
David Janowitz - Table |
Workshops |
Blanco - Complex shapes |
Peter Doe - Marquetry |
Steve Wavro - Intarsia |
David Janowitz - Lathe |
George Alderete - Hand cut dovetails |
Siegel - Kumiko |
Norm Nichols and Rick Spacek - Scroll saw |
Fred Sandoval and Mark Bolinger - Sharpening |
Denis Muras - Scroll saw |
Dave VanDewerker - Scroll saw |
Larsen - Lathe |
Dan Schmoker - Lathe |