David Janowitz - Three tables and cutting boards mahogany, walnut and
assorted woods. |
Rick Spacek - Horses of pecan and cross of pine. |
Farquhar - Black Bear Cub
This is a Judy Gale
Robert's design, took 2-weeks to make. It has 43-pieces made out of:
Walnut; Black Walnut; Red Oak; White Oak & Ebony. Finished with spray on
VanDewerker - I made about a hundred various dinosaur and dragon puzzles
out of mostly poplar but also a few maple and beech. They were all cut
on a scroll saw using a Pegas #3 reverse skip blade.
These are for the toy drive for the club |

Denis Muras - Toy dinosaurs. |
Tom Paulley - 3-D
Cutting Boards made from a plan from Jonathan Katz-Moses, using Cherry,
Maple, Walnut, Purpleheart and Wenge. First board finished using mineral
oil and beeswax, last two finished with Salad Bowl Finish cut 50% with
mineral spirits.

Lon Kelley - Spalted
bowls. Over a year ago during the pandemic, Steve Wavro called to say he
had salvaged a log that he thought would make a great bowl. We weren’t
sure of the wood, but called it maple. It fits the definition of
spalting as given to us by a program presenter; that is, the dark lines
are boundaries established by competing funguses. The bowl is finished
with spray poly.
Hardy -
End table in black
walnut and hickory. The top is black walnut with a ten degree bevel on
all edges. The base is hickory with angled bridle joints pinned with
shop made black walnut dowels. The risers for the floating top effect
are also black walnut. It is all finished with Osmo Satin Polyx Oil.
Norm Nichols - Knife handle of padauk. |
David Janowitz - Library boxes and tables. |
Sankar Padhmanabhan
- First is a Kitchen oil stand. It is made using hand tools only. The
shelves are resawn and planed down to a 7/16" from a 4/4 White Oak. The
sides are from Purple Heart. The joinery for lower shelf is dovetail.
Pins/tails are marked free hand, so not all are the same. The top shelf
is connected to the sides using a double tenon. With my imperfection in
work, I find hand tools allow me more flexibility, since I can customize
each joint/tenon etc. independently. It is finished using spray
Second is a Scrap
wood project. I had lot of scrap from Cherry, Maple, Walnut lying
around. Instead of throwing them out, I thought of making this which is
inspired from a YouTube video. Scraps were of varying thickness, so to
bring them all to same thickness I made a simple planning jig. The jig
is basically 1/4" plywood with two wood pieces of exact height I wanted
glued and houses the plane. The plane is contained to run straight by
gluing another short piece of wood on top. After the scrap pieces were
planed, I glued them to a backer board. Finished using spray lacquer.
Denis Muras - The
cabinets that I constructed for Berean Christian Academy were assembled
from Baltic Birch Plywood and expertly assembled with Kreg Pocket Hole
screws. The school needed furniture for their new classes of Junior
Kindergarten. After observing the asking price from Lakeshore Learning,
I calculated that instead of their asking price of almost $3000, the
Baltic Birch plywood would cost less than $600, so I offered to
construct the units for about half that price.
The two lower
cabinets are supported by casters so the teacher can relocate the units
where they are needed. The two taller cabinets are for books and
children's dress up.