Terry Parrish -
I have been making some charcuterie boards. Used mostly Walnut, Maple,
Mahogany woods. Also finished up all my cheese cutting boards.
Steve Wavro - This
is a picture of an Intarsia project I recently finished. It has 123
pieces of Aspen, Birch, Mahogany, Poplar, Walnut, Red Cedar, and Yellow
Heart. It was finished with Danish Oil then buffed and waxed.
Lon Kelley - Toys of the month. I scanned the
patterns into photoshop and added detail and color. The white ones can
be colored by the kids |

Chris Farquhar - The Panda is a Judy Gale Roberts design; has 23 pieces;
wood used is Black Walnut, Red Cedar, African Wenge & Pine. Took about
1-1/2 weeks to finished
Rick Spacek - The first two are old
barnwood/august crosses front and back no finish. The tray. I don’t know
the types of wood don’t even know where I got from inside is the elegant
cross sprayed with clear gloss |
Juan Cardenas -
My wife and I are beginner pen turners. This here being our fourth
project. She rough turns the blanks and I get to finish off the edges
and give it its contour, sand from 150-12000 grit and add finish. This
Cigar pen was made from olivewood, a black titanium kit and finished
with doctor's wood shop high build friction polish. The stand is made
from redwood.
Jack Bailie -This is a desk for my grandson who, like most
everyone, is working from home.
It is built from Genuine Mahogany from Clark's Hardwoods. The top
is a full one inch, milled from 5/4 lumber is 70" x 32". Near the
back is a 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch slot that allows a phone or iPad to stand
up. It has one inch through slots every 3/4 inches so cords can go
through to the power strip and cord tray beneath. I had to build
it so that so it is comes apart so I can transport it to Austin in my
SUV. The legs and aprons connect with sliding dovetails. I
drilled and tapped 1/4x20 threads in the rails and used connecting bolts
to secure the legs to the front and back rails. The top is
attached with figure 8 hardware and screwed into the top with 1/2 inch
1/4x20 connecting bolts into threaded holes. It has pegs
protruding from the front legs to provide a place to hang headphones.
It is stained with General Finishes Warm Cherry oil based stain and
finished with 5 coats of General Finishes Arm R Seal wipe on oil based
poly with 9 coats on the top rubbed out with Liberon #0000 steel wool
and Bri-Wax.
Walter Hansen - After
two years and three months of sweat and toil, Walt Hansen finally
finished the Mary D, built from Glen-L designed “Malahini” boat plans.
The boat was built using rift sawn white oak frames with African
Mahogany planking over marine plywood hull and decking. The deck is
planked with African Mahogany and Sugar Maple strips bordered by
Peruvian Walnut covering boards. The dashboard is bookmatched Anigre
with Peruvian Walnut trim. Seat bases and built-in caned seat trays are
of teak. The boat also sports a 1958 Ford Thunderbird steering wheel,
hydraulic steering, and a Mercury 60 hp outboard motor. She can cruise
at up to 40 mph.
David Janowitz - I made
this pumpkin lidded bowl out of Osage Orange, with super glue to fill
all the cracks. I added some grooves on the bottom, and contoured
the lid to fit neatly. I also sanded it to 2000 grit. There
is nothing on the wood; it is so hard, you can polish the surface smooth
and shiny. 9" diameter, 6" tall with lid.
The first is my biggest
bowl to date. Sycamore, 17.5" diameter by 6" tall. This was
challenging, at least for me.
Next are two small
sycamore vases, one with a lid, like an urn. These are only about
6" and 5" tall.
Finally, some bottle
stoppers of pecan, sycamore, and dogwood. Never worked with
dogwood. It turned nicely, but darkened and lost some color when I
applied Tung oil. I'm going to try water based urethane next and
see whether I like it more.