David Janowitz - Turned bowls of Osage orange, water oak, cedar elm and
spalted something. |
Steve Wavro - Scroll sawed 50th anniversary
heart (Sue May pattern) of Baltic birch and walnut. |
Rich Bajenski - Mallets for flattening and tendorizing meat. |
Chuck Meeder - Chip carvings (Lora Irish relief pattern) of basswood. |
Lon Kelley - Illusion box of Wink1 wood. |
David VanDewerker - Wooden hinged box of padauk, walnut, and bird's eye
maple. |
Rick Spacek - Burnings in red oak and Wink1 wood. |
Chris Farquhar - Intarsia wolf heads of various woods. |
George Graves - Bowls and sled for American Girl doll. |
Tom Paulley - Turned snowmen of maple, walnut and cherry. |
Terry Parrish - Cross made on CNC2 machine of red oak. |
David Janowitz - Cutting boards of Osage orange and water oak and clamp
arrangement. |
Bob Wink - Popeye and Greene and Greene Arts and Crafts style cross and
bookend. |
Norm Nichols - Toothpaste tube squeezer (Steve Good pattern), box, and banjo
neck rest holder. |
           John Gay - Cabinetry
of aromatic red cedar and Wink1 wood.
David Janowitz - Progression from whopper log to usable slabs. |
1Wink Wood: Bob Wink lives near a commercial woodworking
facility that gives away what they consider to be scrap pieces of
commercial grade plywood and misc hard woods. Bob rescues this wood
before a Grinch comes and takes the scrap for firewood. Many
woodworkers in WWCH have made good use of these excess pieces by making
jigs, toys, and incorporating them into their projects as you’ve seen in
many Show n Tell projects. This source of wood is what has become known
as “Wink” wood 2CNC -
Computer Numerical Control
Photos: Gary
Rowen; Cabinetry, John Gay