With some maple, walnut, and cherry laying around his
shop plus ideas from Steve Wavro, Don Pott crafted an intarsia rooster
–definitely something to “crow” about.
For a client, Lynn Cummings crafted 100 boxes of maple with leather
straps and laser engraved lettering then finished with lacquer.
Many of these tasks were his
first attempt – good job for a “firster”, Lynn. |
Fred Sandoval explained to club members how he modified older iron
wrenchs to cut round tenons on a lathe. |
Making diamonds from maple, cherry and walnut, Sankar was able to create
3D coasters – how about some diamonds from carbon next?
A friend of John Lestrapes in the Texas hill country
with plenty of cedar pieces helped John create this side table.
John used ten times as many screws as was used in the Sam Maloof
style chair on display.
Inspired by Norm Nichol’s comment for simple things
for kids in hospitals, Chris Schwartz, using a New Mexico desert type
picture and Wink wood, created this interesting but simple puzzle.
For his daughter and grandson as a birthday present,
Charles Volek crafted this intarsia boy with dog from a Bruce
Worthington pattern using unstained various pieces of wood.
Loren Gideon crafted this heirloom cutting gauge of
maple and 1/16 scrap steel that works very well for him.
He finished with tung oil.
 Fiddling around with various pieces of scrap
wood, Sam Grice, created a very nice bowl with two choices of tops.
He finished with Minwax and water
borne polyurethane. |
 From fence boards, Wink wood, and an old ball mitt, Bob Wink crafted
these baseball story boxes. |

From a flea market in Canton, Texas, Gary Rowen acquired a bracket,
crafted to look like one from a renovation, and empty spools to create a
folk art hot rod. His granddaughter painted the flames. Will
Bob Wink let Gary into his "inner" folk art circle?? |
Well, there goes the garden. In its place will be a workshop for
David Janowitz. |
Digging in for trench warfare? No, David is just connecting his workshop to
the outside world. |
if these were golden arches, David might be on to something.
But they aren't. Those are the arches for his workshop. |
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Showing slides of how he prepared and assembled eight pieces cut using
compound angles to form the sides of a bowl (as opposed to using a big
chunk of wood from a log), Lon Kelley was able to turn these neat bowls.
The cutting board was made from Wink wood – a very interesting
pattern. Lon finished with Minwax natural and wax.
Photos: Gary Rowen;
Workshop construction by David Janowitz; Eight sided bowl and cutting
board by Lon Kelley