Woodworkers Club of Houston
Club Business
Award Recipients
Lifetime Achievement in Woodworking:
Presented to a maximum of one Club Member per year. This person should represent
our Clubs most admired qualities. He/She should be a regular contributor to the
Show and Tell program, should have held Club Office, may have worked
exceptionally hard on a program or programs, or field trips, Chaired a
committee, etc. Proposed by any member by letter to the board of directors, who
will consider all proposals in executive session. This is not an annual award
and does not have to be awarded every calendar year. It should be the Clubs
highest award.

Lifetime Achievement Award |
Golden Hammer Award:
Presented to one Club member for recognition of his or
her service to the Club in the previous 12 months. Nominations are made by
the Board of Directors at the November Board of directors meeting.
Candidates are announced in the December newsletter and at the December
meeting. The outgoing Board votes by secret ballot in a closed meeting
separate from the regular Board meeting. Candidates who are members of the
outgoing Board are not present during the discussion and balloting. The
Past President announces and presents the award to the recipient at the January
general membership meeting.
Woodworker of the Year:
Presented to the club member, in good
standing, who demonstrates the finest woodworking craftsmanship through
participation in the Show and Tell programs throughout the previous year.
The Board of Directors will select a panel of judges to review all Show and Tell
items presented from December through November. The judges will nominate
candidates and their respective pieces for the award. At the December
general membership meeting additional nominations will be solicited from club
members. The Secretary will prepare and distribute ballots for members in
good standing to cast their votes for the winner. Members voting for
nominees from the floor will need to write in their choce on their
ballots. Ballots are collected and counted after the December
meeting. The Past President announces and presents the award to the
recipient at the following January general membership meeting.
Golden Hammer Award |