Steve Wavro -
This is a Kathy Wise Intarsia pattern for a panda and
cub. It is comprised of 86 pieces of Aspen, Ebony, Poplar, Walnut, and
Western Red Cedar. Although I typical avoid using any dyes or stains; in
this project the black pieces are Aspen dyed black.
Hugh Parker -
Here is my show and tell. A set of LSU RV tables.
Had to take a deep breath to do the LSU. Black
walnut and maple for the letters.
Ron Kirchoff -
Both of these projects were client commissions. The bookshelf is solid
birdseye maple and measures 22" x 48" x 10"
was built to customer specifications to house sculptures from his
collection. Per customer request it was delivered unfinished and sanded
to 220. The table measures 41" x 26" x 30". The top is a 1" thick piece
of quartzite that weighs approximately 150 pounds. The finish is
a General Finishes High Performance Water-based Top Coat, Semi-gloss.
Seven coats were sprayed over a Varathane "Kona" stain. |
Keith Van Tassel -
made some coved jewelry boxes for my daughters' birthdays. Plus I made
one for my wife. I got the plan out of a Woodcraft magazine. I used
hackberry, spalted oak and pear - all from trees that I harvested from
my back yard after hurricane Ike. This project allowed me to add
flocking to my skill set. |
Volek -
20 inch Celtic Cross is a Dennehey design made of walnut and maple. The
Nimbus is made by gluing three 1/8 inch strip of maple around an 8 1/4
inch plywood jig held in place with clamps until the glue dries. The
finish is Minwax Performance Series Varnish. |
David Janowitz -
I was asked to make some Little League sized bats for
giveaways by the HDPE manufacturer. Here are the first 44 bats!
This is a pretty big bowl, 13 1/2" by 5" deep.
It is spalted pecan. John Lastrapes gave me the wood at the last
tool/wood swap. Thanks John!
Lon Kelley - I had a mesquite log on my patio for
about 25 years, and finally got it cut up by Bill and group. I made a
table top for our kitchen, but since we really didn't have room for
another table, I set it on top of an existing table, and didn't make
new legs. I wanted to preserve the sap wood as a natural edge, so cut
off a 5 inch strip from the boards to form a band around the outside.
The boards were not long enough for the table, so I had to patch it
together. It is finished with four coats of poly.
Mike Hardy -
latest music stand is a commission by a clarinet playing couple for
their tenth wedding
It is walnut, and since they are clarinet players I made did the tilt
adjustment handle and the bolt centers in African Blackwood, which is
called Grenadilla by instrument makers and is used for clarinets and
oboes. They met while at Kansas University, so the carvings of wheat on
the front, and their anniversary date on the back. The whole stand was
from one 10' 8/4 walnut board with lots of strong straight grain lines
so the whole piece is very consistent. This is also the first stand I
have built with a double shelf. Finished with Waterlox. |
Chris Farquhar -
These are two knifes I just finished making. Still need to get a
protective finish on them. The folding knife (with clip) is 7-7/8" long;
3-1/4" blade; made with Figured Walnut. The straight knife is 9" long;
4" blade; made with Walnut and African Ebony for the accents. Used a
clear epoxy to attached the wood to the metal, I didn't want to use the
mounting screws that came with the kits; I think it looks better without
them. |
All photos and descriptions submitted by individual members. |
1Wink Wood: Bob Wink lives near a commercial woodworking
facility that gives away what they consider to be scrap pieces of
commercial grade plywood and misc hard woods. Bob rescues this wood
before a Grinch comes and takes the scrap for firewood. Many
woodworkers in WWCH have made good use of these excess pieces by making
jigs, toys, and incorporating them into their projects as you’ve seen in
many Show n Tell projects. This source of wood is what has become known
as “Wink” wood. |